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Amplifying Female Voices – Celebrating Women’s History Month

An image of three women standing on a high point and looking out at mountains and formations with a hazy and burnt orange sky.


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Breona Spivey, Controller

Breona Spivey

Diana Roessler, Director, Marketing + Origination

Diana Roessler
Director, Marketing & Origination

Laura Alter, VP, Marketing

Laura Alter
VP, Marketing

Nicole Sullivan, Climate Services Manager

Nicole Sullivan
Climate Services Manager

Breana Wentz, HR Generalist

Breana Wentz
HR Generalist

Gabrielle Guitzkow, Climate Analyst

Gabrielle Guitzkow
Climate Analyst

Amplifying the perspectives of the women of CarbonBetter during Women’s History Month.

By Voon Goh, Laura Alter

As Women’s History Month draws to a close, we at CarbonBetter want to feature some of the amazing women that help us help the earth. March is is a time to celebrate and highlight the accomplishments and progress made by women, past and present. Within the renewable energy industry only 32% of full-time employees are women, which is substantially more than the global oil and gas industry at 22%. (Source) However, at CarbonBetter our team is more than half women, including management. As we continue to work towards equality in our industry, it’s critical that we amplify the voices of women already working in energy and sustainability. Today, we’re sharing the perspectives of some of the women of CarbonBetter. 

Special thanks to marketing intern Voon Goh for coming up with this idea, interviewing the team, and writing today’s post! Interested in an internship at CarbonBetter? Contact us for details.

“It’s refreshing to work for a place where more than 50% of leadership is female.”

Nicole Sullivan, Climate Services Manager
What’s it like working at CarbonBetter? 

I am a fairly new employee but from what I have seen, everyone is very positive, open-minded, and respectful. I am happy to be a woman in this workplace creating a life for myself that many women in the past didn’t have the opportunity to do. The presence of women in higher education and the workplace continues to grow and I am honored to be a part of this journey. – Breana Wentz, Human Resources Generalist 

While not typical in the energy sector, our team at CarbonBetter is majority female, so I’m fortunate to be surrounded by many smart and talented women who excel in their roles. I’m constantly learning from them, inspired by them, and benefiting from their support. I love working with a team that values and amplifies female voices and perspectives, especially being in an industry that is historically less diverse. – Laura Alter, VP Marketing 

Great! We don’t try to be diverse – we just are, We’re all here just trying to be better each day and that is not gender-specific! – Breona Spivey, Controller

A lot of what you learn in this business is from hands-on experience and also learning from those with years of experience. I’ve found most people love to share their experiences with you. Be a good listener and you can learn a lot from their successes and mistakes. – Diana Roessler, Director of Marketing and Origination

“​​I am proudest of the direct impact my work as a scientist has had on the health of the communities I’ve served, and the ecosystems that surround those communities.”

Gabrielle Guitzkow, Climate Analyst
What are you most proud of in your career?

I’m most proud of the shared successes we’ve had over the years. It has been very rewarding to see those we’ve hired, worked with, trained, and developed to become successful in the business. I’m also proud to have an amazing team that supports one another and works together to achieve a common goal. Work is “hard” some days, but having a team that you trust and enjoy working with can make it much more fun and rewarding. – Diana Roessler, Director of Marketing and Origination

I’m most proud of how hard I’ve worked to consistently grow and thrive as a professional over the last 20 years while also learning to be the best parent and partner possible. I’m so grateful for my family and a long line of leaders who have given me plenty of grace and opportunity along the way. I don’t always get it right but I always keep working on it – and supporting others in the same way is so important to me. – Laura Alter, VP of Marketing

I’m proud of the variety of experiences that I’ve managed to have along the way – I seek to always be learning and growing. – Nicole Sullivan, Climate Services Manager 

I am the first person in my family to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. I am most proud of receiving my SHRM-CP certification. I studied for 6 months while working full time as an HR manager and passed on my first try. I am also proud of achieving the highest benefits enrollment in my previous role. – Breana Wentz, Human Resources Generalist 

I’m proud of the growth gained from the effort and perseverance I apply to all things I do. – Breona Spivey, Controller 

“I am happy to be a woman in this workplace creating a life for myself that many women in the past didn’t have the opportunity to do.”

Breana Wentz, Human Resources Generalist
Who are some women that inspire you and why?

I am blessed to be surrounded by some awesome women – friends, colleagues, and clients alike. It’s always inspiring to see badass women thriving while doing what they do best, whatever that thing may be. I’ve gotten to work closely with our VP of Marketing, Laura Alter, and seeing how she can take a rough idea and turn it into something both pretty and relatable is inspiring. I’ve also been inspired by a client, Aimy Steadman, both for what she’s doing to drive change at BeatBox and in the beverage industry but also for her goals to change the world. – Nicole Sullivan, Climate Services Manager 

My amazing friend Vivian has inspired me ever since we were kids, and she continues to inspire me daily by reminding me of the importance of sisterhood, and how relationships with women who share my values are vital to growing into the person I dream of being. – Gabrielle Guitzkow, Climate Analyst

There are so many in my life who have influenced me in different ways. I’m particularly inspired by women with a career and family but still find time to “give back”. I feel it is very important to share our talents and help others. Although it can be a bit of a juggling act, it is important to be a good steward and it is so rewarding and humbling. I have 3 daughters and I encourage them to be independent, have a good work ethic and not “settle”. I would encourage all young women to follow this and to be independent thinkers who challenge respectfully. – Diana Roessler, Director of Marketing and Origination 

Betty White, my Mom, and Jane Goodall because I love their approach to life and all the things they each stand for. – Breona Spivey, Controller 

My grandmother is the most influential woman in my life. She was the father figure in my life growing up. She had no problem getting down and dirty. She also taught me how to manage my finances and cheered me on as I completed my bachelor’s degree. She has worked multiple jobs to help her family and never complained. From her I learned what it meant to be selfless, hardworking, and positive. – Breana Wentz, Human Resources Generalist 

There’s no specific woman I turn to for inspiration, but I take every opportunity possible to listen to the stories of women who are working to align purpose, career, family, and giving back. – Laura Alter, VP of Marketing

Shoutout to all the wonderful women of CarbonBetter! We are incredibly grateful for all that you do and cannot wait to see how you continue to excel throughout your careers.