Introducing Certified Offset Portfolio 22-1

Earth Day 2023 Impacts Report
Our goal for this day of climate action is to show that small steps by many add up to a big positive impact.
Buying high-quality carbon offsets is harder than it should be, but today that changes.
Today we’re launching CarbonBetter Certified Offset (CBCO) Portfolio 22-1, which offers businesses immediate access to hand-picked and fully vetted carbon credits to offset Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Carbon offsets enable businesses to reduce or neutralize their carbon footprint by funding projects that lower or avoid carbon emissions. Each Portfolio unit offsets one metric ton of carbon emissions and each purchase includes offsets from all portfolio projects.
CBCO Portfolios are designed to address friction points and risks that exist in the current carbon market and carbon credit procurement process, including cumbersome request-for-proposal processes, understanding complex and varied project technologies and registry protocols, meeting minimum purchase quantities, and limited access to top-tier projects.
Portfolio 22-1 is Live
Learn more about the four projects included in Portfolio 22-1. Get instant access to all projects in flexible quantities through one transaction with CarbonBetter. A dramatically simpler way to purchase carbon offsets.
See the Included Projects“It’s difficult for companies to get access to high-quality carbon credits without specialized expertise, but we need as many companies as possible participating in the carbon economy to accelerate our transition to a net-zero future,” said Tri Vo, founder and president of CarbonBetter.
“We built CBCO Portfolios with transparency, quality, and access as our top priorities to make it as easy as possible for companies to effectively offset emissions that they cannot immediately reduce.”
Each CBCO Portfolio consists of a mix of carbon offsets that the CarbonBetter Climate Services team has carefully pre-assessed to ensure they align with key considerations for proven technologies, verified additionality, minimal leakage, vintage, and impactful co-benefits. In addition, all purchasers from CBCO Portfolios receive a set of ready-to-use marketing materials to share their sustainability story and impact with customers, team members, and other stakeholders.
CBCO Portfolio 22-1 purchasers will have carbon credits from four projects on three registries (Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard, the American Carbon Registry, and the Climate Action Reserve) retired on their behalf after completing a single transaction with CarbonBetter. These 2020-2021 vintage credits include a run-of-river hydroelectric power plant, an improved forest management project, an N20 abatement project, and a wind farm. More project details can be found on the Portfolio 22-1 web page.
Purchase quantities are flexible to meet the needs of companies at every stage of their sustainability journey. CarbonBetter also sources carbon credits for clients with specific needs or goals not served by CBCO Portfolios.
CBCO Portfolios offer fast and flexible access to the voluntary carbon market for organizations that aim to reduce or offset their emissions with carbon offsets that have been certified based on technology, additionality, leakage, vintage, and co-benefits. Contact the CarbonBetter team to make a purchase from Portfolio 22-1 or discuss other service offerings.