
Shaan Seet Improved Forest Management
The Shaan Seet Improved Forest Management carbon offset project contains over 8,900 acres of old-growth, hemlock-spruce forest that provides critical ecosystem services, including significant climate benefits through carbon sequestration.

Raura Hydro Electric Power Project
The MW Raura Hydro Project provides clean energy to northern India by harnessing renewable electricity from a small, run-of-river hydroelectric power plant, minimizing both the overall environmental impact of the dam and the amount of fossil fuels needed to supply the regional grid.

RNG in Your Decarbonization Strategy
RNG is a key tool in a portfolio approach to decarbonization, but when is the right time to use it?

Geography Considerations When Buying Carbon Credits
When buying carbon credits, geography matters—here are three key considerations.

Welcome, Linley!
Linley is a senior at UT Austin where she studies chemical engineering and dreams to one day work for NASA.

A Primer on Hydroelectric Power
As a renewable, low-carbon source of energy with many co-benefits, hydropower has the potential to be an important part of the energy transition and the carbon offset market. Here are some pros and cons of hydroelectric power.

Welcome, Andrew!
An MIS student at UT Austin, Andrew loves bouldering & thrifting and has a bucket list full of food & travel.

Important Considerations for Carbon Offset Vintages
Understanding carbon offset vintages is important for choosing the right offsets.

BeatBox Beverages Releases Its 2021 Sustainability Report
BeatBox Beverages, the fastest-selling ready-to-drink cocktail and wine brand in the US, today announced the release of its first sustainability report in partnership with CarbonBetter.