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Search Results

Search: “net-zero” 87 results found
What is the Carbon Market? Podcast with Nicole Sullivan

What is the Carbon Market? Podcast with Nicole Sullivan

Last month our very own Nicole Sullivan, Director of Climate Services at CarbonBetter, joined Joe Batir of the Energy Transition Solutions podcast for an hour-long conversation about the carbon markets. Listen now or read the highlights.

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Manantiales Behr Wind Farm

Manantiales Behr Wind Farm

Included in CBCO 22-1, the 99-megawatt Manantiales Behr Wind Farm carbon offset project is helping Argentina reach a target of 20% non-hydro renewables by 2025.

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Shaan Seet Improved Forest Management

Shaan Seet Improved Forest Management

The Shaan Seet Improved Forest Management carbon offset project contains over 8,900 acres of old-growth, hemlock-spruce forest that provides critical ecosystem services, including significant climate benefits through carbon sequestration.

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Carbon Offsets

Carbon Offsets

CarbonBetter helps clients procure carbon offset credits two ways: curated offset sourcing via Certified Offset (CBCO) Portfolios, which provide instant access to hand-selected and vetted…

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Raura Hydro Electric Power Project

Raura Hydro Electric Power Project

The MW Raura Hydro Project provides clean energy to northern India by harnessing renewable electricity from a small, run-of-river hydroelectric power plant, minimizing both the overall environmental impact of the dam and the amount of fossil fuels needed to supply the regional grid.

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RNG in Your Decarbonization Strategy

RNG in Your Decarbonization Strategy

RNG is a key tool in a portfolio approach to decarbonization, but when is the right time to use it?

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Brands Shaking Up Alcohol’s Carbon Footprint

Brands Shaking Up Alcohol’s Carbon Footprint

Join leaders from three alcoholic beverage brands—BeatBox Beverages, WhistlePig Whiskey, and Fierce Whiskers—as they share their different approaches to integrating sustainability in their manufacturing and…

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Carbon Offset Registries: An Overview

Carbon Offset Registries: An Overview

An overview of the role carbon offset registries play in the carbon market, and why they matter.

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Important Considerations for Carbon Offset Vintages

Important Considerations for Carbon Offset Vintages

Understanding carbon offset vintages is important for choosing the right offsets.

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